Want your WordPress categories/tags/taxonomies widget with images? Taxography gives you total control over the output of your taxonomies.
- Taxonomy, select from all your taxonomies in a list box.
- Title, show or hide taxonomy item title.
- Description, show or hide the taxonomy item description.
- Style, show as a list on inline.
- Order, ascending or descending.
- Orderby, count, id, slug or term group.
- Depth, controls how many levels in the hierarchy of categories are to be included.
- Number, sets the number of categories to display.
- Thumbnail, show or hide the taxonomy item thumbnail.
- Item Width, set the width of an list item in pixels.
- Child Indent, a margin left in pixels for child item.
- Include & Exclude, only include or exclude the selected categories.
- Current Category, allows you to force the “current-cat” to appear on uses of wp_list_categories that are not on category archive pages.
- Search, only for searching given categories.
- Feed, display a link to each category’s rss-2/rss/atom/rdf feed and set the link text to display.
- Hierarchical, set in hierarchical.
- And more.